I hope these photos give you a Smile, a little chuckle…

This first one was at the entrance to the trailer park on Balsam Lake in Ontario, I laughed every time I paddled by. Such a cute skeleton who must have a constipation problem, he obviously has sat there too long reflecting on “life”.Skeleton Outhouse

I have seen a lot of lawn ornaments before… but seriously?

You KNOW you are a redneck when…..outhouse in use

I found a quote that sums up my thoughts about Ice Fishing….

“An ice-fishing shanty is basically a tin outhouse on a frozen lake, except that in an outhouse, the hole has a purpose. In ice fishing, the hole is what you stare at for hours, hoping that at some point you’ll break the monotony by falling in.”                   W. Bruce Cameron

A picture is worth a thousand words…  enjoy


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